Posts tagged Around the House

Early this morning, even earlier than breakfast, Ren went downstairs to get a cup of water. While he was down there, he spied a rare treat in our house­—donuts! He grabbed two and started to make his way back upstairs to where I was. B saw him and asked, “Whatcha got, Ren?”


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a rather blue confession

It’s was late morning here on the eastern side of the country and with a couple of fun client projects sitting on my desk making good progress, I decided to take a short break and go for a Big Gulp–a college habit I just never seemed to break. Ash and I grabbed some loose change from B’s giant jar and hopped into the car headed for 7-11. As we pulled into the parking lot, she started on her chorus of “I want a Slurpee, I want a Blue Slurpee.”

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a plot to take over the world

To All Comrades in Arms:  Yesterday our home-front mainframe was overtaken by a diabolical and extremely invasive mutant-space virus. Our frontline firewall and two anti-virus protective shields failed in the face of, I’m sorry to say, a far superior technology. This malevolent alien hacked through our entire system assuming command and disabling environmental controls. All was not lost. Most personnel and data were already safely stored off-site, keeping casualties low. It was through the self-sacrifice of a few brave scribes, email we call them, that any residual data made it to the escape pods and saved.

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inking the precedent

There was an importunate sense in her voice as she tugged on my shirt and looked up at me. “Mommy,” she whined, “I want a rattoo.”

The statement should have surprised me. It would surprise most parents of a four-year-old girl. But for me, I knew it was just a matter of time before Ash started asking for a tattoo, oh, and piercings, too. B and I knew this day was coming, just not this soon. But as those words escaped her mouth, I wondered how many times over the next 14 or so years that I would hear that sentence. Then I stopped to count how many times I heard it from B over the last 14 or so years.

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the lazy dog

This morning, my not-quite-four-year-old, sat on her bed having a conversation with her “husband”, not quite imaginary and not quite alive. Her conversation started politely enough but soon a full-on spousal spat ensued. “Shawn, you lazy dog,” she snapped. Fair enough, Shawn is in fact a 2 foot, pink and purple dog who doesn’t contribute much to the family. “You’re wasting my time.” She yelled. Shawn sat quietly, obviously giving much consideration to her accusations and what his reply might be.

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smell this

The other day while we were sitting in the living room, B points to the pants he was wearing and says to me, “I think these need to be washed.” His statement was almost immediately followed with, “Smell them.”The other day while we were sitting in the living room, B points to the pants he was wearing and says to me, “I think these need to be washed.” His statement was almost immediately followed with, “Smell them.”

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